Eagle-eyed pizza enthusiasts may have noticed a recent addition to the 5th most popular Food & Drink app in the world. The Domino's app, famous for its Delivery Tracker, has a not so well known feature, the ability to prevent the company from selling users data.

As we discussed in another article, many restaurants are getting in to the data harvesting and selling business. QR codes to view menus have been tied to advertising platforms and various businesses have been found to be selling the email addresses of their patrons. Privacy experts have long warned that rules largely don’t exist to dictate what restaurants can and can’t do with customers info.
No one should be surprised to see Domino's trying to get into the data harvesting businesses. As was recently reported by several outlets, the global big data market is expected to reach $234.6 billion by 2026.

What is surprising is that Domino's does not allow users to opt out right from the beginning of their app experience. You could argue that the company is at least offering an opt out feature and should be commended for it but this would be low praise. It is fair to assume that the average customer does not expect their pizza provider to be sharing their data.
As the European Union pushes for greater control over citizens data, U.S. lawmakers continue to seem unwilling or unable to tackle the issue. One has to wonder what, if anything, could spur action on such an important issue.